
西雅图太平洋神学院, 现在大学, began out of a dream for an education that encouraged “the development and proper training of the intellectual and spiritual faculties.“从19世纪末一直到今天, SPU一直是自由卫理公会教育愿景的表达, 致力于以基督为中心的圣洁,优先为穷人伸张正义, 基督教圣经在基督教教育中的中心地位, 一个文科教育,装备领袖的王国的多种职业, 教育和使命的世界视野, 最后, a non-sectarian collaborative vision that has allowed for diversity of thought under the unity of Jesus Christ within a post-secondary educational environment. 这是一份高贵的遗产, 另一个是斯坦福大学董事会, 高级领导人, 赌博十大靠谱软件的教职员工, 一个多世纪以来,一代又一代的学生选择了这一点. Though the University has developed over those years and continues to adapt to its current context, 它一直选择维持这一重要的教会关系. 编译了以下文档, 写, and ratified by the Board of Trustees is an acknowledgment that this educational dream does not live only in the past, 但它必须在今天的背景下实现, helping to further nurture the future of the University and its educational mission while also maintaining its partnership with the Free Methodist church.

教会和大学之间的伙伴关系很重要,但并非没有挑战. This relationship has recently been tested by disagreements around same sex marriage and the different expressions of human sexuality which have divided many Protestant churches. 当这场辩论发生在COVID-19之后时, 8年的入学率下降, 预算赤字, 各种诉讼, 国家政治两极分化, 事实证明,这项测试至关重要. 在这个脆弱而充满争议的校园环境中, 董事会进行了两次投票, 在两年的时间里, to maintain the current employee lifestyle expectations and thus also to renew its relationship with the University’s founding denomination. 随后, 这一决定促使教职员工, 高级领导人, 和学生, 有不同的观点, 要求董事局厘清大学的教育使命,并阐明大学的远景. 的 持久的承诺 represents the response of the Board to these questions with the hope of providing greater direction going forward for the University community.

持久的承诺 articulates the Board’s conviction for 好的赌博软件推荐 to remain true to its founding by the Free Methodist Church and desire for an ongoing relationship with the denomination that is future facing, 互惠互利的, 和地方, 国家, 它的表达方式也是国际化的. 董事会还寻求平衡赌博十大靠谱软件独特的卫斯理身份与赌博十大靠谱软件的历史正统, 显然福音派, 真正的基督教影响定义了赌博十大靠谱软件的信仰社区,在 SPU信仰声明.

Some will view the recent Board decisions as sectarian or as a betrayal of the University’s “genuinely ecumenical” pillar outlined in the 信仰声明. However, the reach of an ecumenical embrace must come about from a particular ecclesial location. 普世主义的工作并不是一项没有教会根基的努力, 因为试图“属于每一个教会”,这个机构就根本不属于任何教会. 大学的普世主义, 根植于SPU卫斯理圣洁的身份, is an educational commitment to theological diversity of thought “grounded in historic orthodoxy and a common and vital faith in Christ.“对于SPU, being “genuinely ecumenical” is not a neutral stance seeking the least common denominator for theological agreement, rather it is the pursuit of a diverse and thus enriching dialogue while holding fast to the University’s ecclesial distinctions. Our ecclesial roots and commitment to faithful dialogue will continue to secure 好的赌博软件推荐’s future. 这是SPU董事会已经确认并将继续确认的.

教育上, the seven commitments identify elements of an academic vision that are both descriptive and aspirational. 的y describe longstanding commitments to an education that intentionally integrates faith with learning and seeks to cultivate character, 智慧, 还有一种使命感, 同时也为赌博十大靠谱软件日益多样化的学生准备有意义的职业生涯, 领导, 和服务. 七项承诺也是有抱负的,因为它们, 作为一个整体, 铸就一个多元化的愿景, grace-filled, 用爱说真话的学术团体, 以尊重和礼貌的态度表达不同意见和反对意见, 寻求神的平安, 正义, 以及所有成员的和解. 该愿景还着眼于西雅图市和西雅图大学以外的世界. It acknowledges the lived realities characteristic of 今天’s urban environment and the enormity of needs worldwide. This vision is a call to strategically marshal our academic and intellectual resources to engage challenges directly and address real world problems with research-informed solutions, 明智的判断, 和同情. 的 heart of our educational program is Jesus Christ and the transforming power of the Gospel and the hope of God’s shalom.  

然而,, 机构和更广泛的高等教育背景, 包括基督教高等教育所特有的, 不能最小化. Today’s higher education landscape is vastly different than the one in which the University was founded. Higher education institutions built for the industrial era are having to make the rapid shift to a knowledge economy that is increasingly global, 技术先进的, 相互联系的, 人口结构也与以往任何时期都不同. Declining enrollments and the high cost of attending college are raising serious questions about the value of a higher education degree, 当前商业模式的功效, and the need for additional revenue streams beyond tuition increases and relatively modest endowment contributions. 的re is also a desire on the part of students for easily accessible academic programs 和服务s. Christian higher education institutions continue to be impacted by declining numbers in the North American church, 对宗教自由的挑战, 以及持续的政治和文化分歧. 好的赌博软件推荐也不能幸免于这些挑战.

It is important to note that the 持久的承诺 is not a strategic plan or a vision statement in the traditional planning sense. 大学的新愿景也不是为了取代“融入文化,改变世界.而是, the document is intended to serve as a guide for administrative and academic decision-making by underscoring SPU’s core values, 信仰, 以及作为机构战略规划基础的承诺. 在这方面, 这是朝着更稳健的战略规划过程和愿景声明迈出的第一步.

的 plan now is to identify meaningful ways for internal and external stakeholders to engage with the seven commitments and to have dialogue about the implications for SPU going forward. 还希望,对话将为当前和今后的规划提供参考, 课程修订, 项目优先级, 以及新兴的预算决策.


的 seven commitments are the result of three months of engagement on the part of the Board of Trustees with core University documents, 网页, and additional readings on Wesleyan/Free Methodist 信仰 and core values and models of Christian higher education.

这个过程是由Dr. 玛格丽特·亚当斯,前西雅图州立大学副教务长,惠顿学院前教务长. 核心承诺一经确定并得到理事会全体成员的肯定, 个别受托人贡献了书面部分,形成初稿. Dr. 皮特Menjares, 临时总统, previewed the seven commitments in his State of the University Address and subsequently sought feedback from select individuals and groups across campus. Dr. Menjares was responsible for finalizing the draft and enlisted the assistance of Alison Estep, Dr. Brian Lugioyo和Ruth Jacobsen. 的 final version of the 持久的承诺 was unanimously approved by the Board on October 21, 2022.


Dr. 皮特Menjares
Dr. 乔治·帕克
牧师. Dr. 马特·怀特海德
Dr. 黛博拉荒野
Dr. 乔伊斯·威廉姆斯